Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Biggest Loser Half Marathon 4/6/13

This race was a last minute one!!! It was crazy! I knew my friend Darla was running and she wanted to PR -2.00 hours was her goal. She had it all planned out-the trip to Jackson, hotel, and expo visit but then her family wasn't able to come and she didn't want to go alone. So at the last minute, Darla asked me if I would go and I said yes. And thought I was crazy for doing so. I had to make arrangements for the kids Friday afternoon because we needed to leave for the expo and stay the night in Jackson. The race was at 7AM. I met Gina and Patrick from Biggest Loser. They were so genuinely nice and so inspiring. The weather was cooler but just right.
The race began promptly at 7 AM and was entirely ALL hills. It was so hard to master my breathing. As soon as I went up and back down, it would happen all over...and I hadn't prepared for hills. Heck, I hadn't even really trained for this race. It was my hardest run to date. The good news: no PR but I finished in 2.36. I only walked some at end-mile 7 and 8. It slowed me down, but the hills were killing me. I couldn't believe it didn't take me longer. And my recovery wasn't too bad. Calfs hurt for a little over a day, but after a chiropractor visit I was good-my friend Darla was sick with bronchitis and had no idea how sick she was...she finished in about maybe 15 minutes past her desired goal but she is a hero to me because she kept going and still had a super time. She had to get oxygen at the end!!! She was at the ambulance area as I finished.

Although it was my hardest run to date, it was an experience ill never forget.

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