Sunday, September 16, 2012

Running has changed me

About 4 weeks until my first half marathon. I am super excited. I have kept up my three weekly runs and somehow have managed to meet all of my goals. It is hard fitting it all in and I could have never done it without
my husband. I feel stronger and feel invincible when I run. I always feel good when I finish and even found a way to sneak it in during Hurricane Isaac. It is unbelievable how mental running is. I have run on rainy days, hot days, long teaching days, and just feeling bad days. I have a great running buddy who I've been blessed to do my long runs with. She has been a sidekick and together we have grown and enjoyed some challenges

Gulf Coast Half Marathon October 14th.

Pensacola Marathon Half November 11th.

Wish my dad was here to see me run. I know he would be proud of me. I think of him often when I'm running on a beautiful full moon, since we had a discussion under one before he passed. I like to pretend be is beside me running sometimes:-). Back in his military days, I can see him doing those runs.

I never thought I'd run two half marathons this year. Honestly, you won't see me running a full. I have other goals though and am excited about it!