Thursday, July 4, 2013

Shorts Run 6/8/13 4 miler

This was a 4 miler on the lakefront. And I ran it after taking three weeks off of my feet. I actually PR'd and best my last year time and ran it in a about 47.18. It was hot but not as hot as last year. I love getting my free pair of Brooks's shorts. Plantar Fasciitis is my first running injury and a slow and painful recovery. I have it in both feet. I know it is partly due to the shoes I wore in the last race. Also running 4 half marathons in 6 months didn't help. My feet have needed the rest. I bought new orthotics and got rid of the shoes that I thought had too much support and were heavier than my normal running shoes. I am starting training now for the October half and I also signed up for the RNR New Orleans in Feb. 2014. I did win a door prize and that was pretty cool!